About us

The Social Participation and Navigation (SPAN) was initially designed by a team of researchers  in the USA led by DR Shari Wade (Cincinnati children’s hospital and Medical Center) and DR Gary Bedell (Tufts university) to help adolescents and young adults with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) achieve their social participation goals (link to the original SPAN website: https://spanprogram.com/).

Dr. Liron Lamash (Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa) Translated and modified the SPAN to fit the needs of adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 

The SPAN is a short-term hybrid intervention. Adolescents and young adults are given access to a web-based application through which they actively set, plan, promote and track their personal goals in various functional domains (such as daily living activities, education, work, leisure, and social participation) with the assistance and guidance of a peer coach or a clinician.

For more details, go to “contact us”.